3 Best Scott Cooper Movies to Binge-Watch This Weekend

Weekends are for binge-watching, and no one can take that away from you, as long as you have access to your favorite streaming platform. Jokes aside, but there is hardly anything comparable to quality watching material and a cozy atmosphere. All you have to do is find some company to share these moments with since … Read more

4 Reasons Why Christian Bale is One of The Greatest Actors of All Time

From a U.S. sergeant that needs to escort an Indian chief during the American-Indian wars to the perfect portrayal of Batman, all the way to playing a murderous psychopath, there is no denying – Christian Bale is one of the greatest actors of all time. But, what makes him so special and distinctive? Luckily for … Read more

3 Best Christian Bale’s Underrated Movies You Need To Watch This Fall

lBale is one of the most famous actors in Hollywood, and he’s been a part of more projects than you can imagine. We all know him for his perfect portrayal of Batman in The Dark Knight trilogy, and we remember him for his masterful skills in American Psycho and The Machinist. However, there are some … Read more