Make Perfect Bacon In An Air Fryer

I’ve been using an air fryer for years now, and I’ve used it for everything from cooking food to frying bacon. It’s great for making crispy, tasty food, but not so great for making perfect bacon. This inspired a little experiment where I tried to make the perfect bacon air fried in the air fryer. … Read more

Keto For Normies Podcast

Want to learn about Keto? Want to feel better? Want to lose weight? Want to improve in all areas of your life? If you answered yes to any of these, then this podcast is for you! I have a deep passion for health and fitness, and my goal is to offer you the knowledge, guidance, … Read more

Why are Asian people eating rice thin?

Asians are famous for their rice, or more specifically, rice that is cooked in the absence of anything else. The rice is eaten plain, sometimes with soy sauce or ginger, and often with chili or other spices. The rice is eaten with chopsticks, and sometimes with a spoon for dessert. In the West, rice is … Read more