Weekends are for binge-watching, and no one can take that away from you, as long as you have access to your favorite streaming platform. Jokes aside, but there is hardly anything comparable to quality watching material and a cozy atmosphere. All you have to do is find some company to share these moments with since in the following lines we present you the best Scott Cooper movies to watch this weekend.
1. Crazy Heart (2009)

Although this was Scott Cooper’s directorial debut, it is an accomplishment that will keep you entertained from the beginning till the end, especially if you don’t mind listening to a quality country song from time to time. “Crazy Heart” is a story about a country songwriter who tries to reshape the life he is not satisfied with and hopes his newfound love will reach his goals. It is a screening of Thomas Cobb’s novel of the same name, and it won two Oscars; one for the best actor, and the other for the best original song. Considering that, it should keep you more than entertained for a while.
2. Out of the Furnace (2013)

When Ridley Scott and Leonardo DiCaprio work together on producing a piece written and directed by Scott Cooper, and the lead role gets amazingly carried out by Chrisitan Bale, you press the play button and enjoy what you are served. A difficult story of two brothers who get separated under suspicious circumstances will keep you at the tip of your toes even though you might be comfortably seated. If this movie fails to get you what you want, don’t mind checking on another Scott Cooper Miami Beach, who might make your weekend even more interesting than you expect in the first place.
3. Hostiles (2017)

Last but not least is the “Hostiles”, a neo-western ideal for any occasion. The catch about this movie directed by Scott Cooper lies not solely in the blurry plot, but also in amazing imagery that makes this movie a true feast for the eyes. Another collaboration with Christian Bale proved to be just what the doctor ordered since his role as Joseph Blocker will definitely make you reconsider some of your views. Even though a vast majority of average viewers expect a western to deliver a dull story backed up with countless bullets fired and rescued damsel in distress, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a different setting showing you the other side of the standard gun-slinging cowboy superhero story.
Make sure you have everything prepared before the weekend starts since you will have more than enough material to have a whale of a time with the aforementioned Scott Cooper movies. The most important thing we should highlight is that you will not have to stick to a single genre, but would have the freedom to shift between relaxing and more serious content, depending on your mood. One way or another, you will have the opportunity to enjoy some quality time with accomplished movie stars delivering what they do best.