4 Cool and Unusual Things to Do in Thailand on Your First Visit

Anyone who knows a thing or two about popular tourist places around the world should not be surprised that vivid pictures of Thailand have been adorning a vast majority of popular travel brochures worldwide. Thus, if it caught a glimpse of your eye as well, read the following lines to learn about cool and unusual things you should do in Thailand on your first visit.

Perpetual Stew

Source: quora.com

They say you can never truly experience a culture of a place you visit until you taste some of the local delicacies, so we advise you to head to Wattana Panich, a restaurant located in Bangkok where you can try an atypical dish, even though one would hardly expect from a beef stew to be specific in any way.

What makes this stew so special is that it has been simmering for the past 50 years, and the guy behind this culinary accomplishment does not intend to stop what he has been doing since he was a young boy. We reckon this is not only a simple dish, but a life work of a devoted man everybody who has the opportunity to come to Thailand should taste.

Phraya Nakon Cave

Source: novotelhuahin.com

If you want to pay respect to one of the most amazing naturally decorated sights in Thailand, then Phraya Nakon Cave should be near the top of your Thai must-see list. Even the great rulers of Thailand recognized the beauty specific of this cave, so if you visit it early in the morning, you will enjoy one-of-a-kind sight directed by the Sun, the natural opening where the sunlight passes, and the mound which appears to be from out of this world when watched at the right time of a day.

The cave is located about 200 miles away from Bangkok, but make sure you either consult local guides or find additional info online on websites such as UsefulTravelArticles.com

The Golden Buddha

Source: thailanddiscovery.info

Locals say that you will live happily ever after if you manage to touch the right hand of one of the world’s tallest golden Buddhas which is located in Wat Muang Monastery, at Tambon Phai Cham Sin. Honestly, we reckon you should consider yourself lucky solely by seeing it in person since the artistic value of this particular Buddha monument is unquestionable.

The Elephant Building

Source: thailanddiscovery.info

It should not take you long to notice how respectful towards elephants the Thai people are, since you will encounter elephants in all forms and sizes, from tiny amulets to gigantic shrines dedicated to the biggest land mammal.

If you like elephants nearly as much as Thais, but you also have an eye for contemporary architectural accomplishments, you should definitely visit the Elephant building in Bangkok. Even though it is situated in Bangkok’s business district, the unique structure of the Elephant building attracts the curious due to its undeniable resemblance to Lego. Therefore, make sure you visit it on your peregrination through Thailand.

To be honest, the aforementioned suggestions represent nothing more than the tip of the iceberg when Thailand’s must-see destinations are in question. On the other hand, it will serve as more than enough material to get you started.